Monthly Archives: November 2006

Lifetype Templates

I've been validating the lifetype templates installed on noblogs agains the w3c html validator: the results are discouraging. After validating 48 themes i've found only 3 themes that are compliant with the xhtml specs:




All the others have errors: most of them are amateurish, with uppercase tags, <font> tags and general problems, a couple of them contain characters that are outside the UTF-8 charset so the validator refused to even parse them. The most embarassing are the ones that have a badge proudly claiming compliancy with the standards and pointing to the validator which, of course, respond with a nice red page.

Finally there are a bunch of templates, roughly based on the same theme, i guess, that all have the same error: 

Line 275 column 15: end tag for "ul" which is not finished.

As soon as I manage to get my ssh connection back I'll have a look and try to fix the latters, it should be a pretty simple problem.


I've also found out that the LifeType admin interface has a bug, when you try to save a draft it gives a javascript error:

getPostEditFormElements is not defined


plogui.js (line 43)

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The New Pink

Interesting read:

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sutemi Continue reading

Joey Ramone

You want to know why Joey Ramone's my hero?

Because people like you never managed to grind him down.

They never stole his spirit.

He never gave in, never gave up, never sold out.

Right to his last breath.

And he's not dead.

Guys like that? They live forever.

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Post di prova

Questo è il testo di un post di prova sul nuovo blog su autistici…

Vediamo un po' come funziona… ad esempio, indovinate cosa potete leggere "after the jump"… 

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