Lifetype Templates

I've been validating the lifetype templates installed on noblogs agains the w3c html validator: the results are discouraging. After validating 48 themes i've found only 3 themes that are compliant with the xhtml specs:




All the others have errors: most of them are amateurish, with uppercase tags, <font> tags and general problems, a couple of them contain characters that are outside the UTF-8 charset so the validator refused to even parse them. The most embarassing are the ones that have a badge proudly claiming compliancy with the standards and pointing to the validator which, of course, respond with a nice red page.

Finally there are a bunch of templates, roughly based on the same theme, i guess, that all have the same error: 

Line 275 column 15: end tag for "ul" which is not finished.

As soon as I manage to get my ssh connection back I'll have a look and try to fix the latters, it should be a pretty simple problem.


I've also found out that the LifeType admin interface has a bug, when you try to save a draft it gives a javascript error:

getPostEditFormElements is not defined


plogui.js (line 43)

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