I’ve been looking for a quick and dirty tutorial on how to configure the Axim X51 connection to use a bluetooth cell phone as a gprs/umts modem and it’s been quite complicated to find all the information i needed, hence this post with just the few steps needed, in case someone else need it. I won’t dwelve in the phone configuration, you can get all the settings on Vodofone website.
Let’s start:
- go to “settings” -> “connections” and choose the “connections” icon
(my new axim is in italian, so i’m translating the labels) - create a new modem connection (should be the first voice in the menu)
- choose a name for it and select “Bluetooth” on modem menu, click next
- choose a paired cell phone or pair a new one, click next
- enter *99***1# as number, click next
- leave userid, password and domain empty, choose advanced
- choose 115200 as connection speed (not sure it’s the right choice, but it works)
- decheck the “wait for signal” option
- insert +CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”web.omnitel.it” as a string command for the modem
- click ok (in the top right corner)
- click finish
To test the connection, turn on bluetooth on the PDA and the cell phone, go to “settings” -> “connections” and choose the “connections” icon, choose modify and you should see your newly created connection. Tap and hold on the name, the contextual menu should say “connect” or “delete”. Tap connect and everything should be fine.
I’m not absolutely sure this is the right way nor the best way to do this, but for me it works.
If you have any suggestion please let me know.